Favarr: A new platform to disrupt the delivery industry

Favarr: A new platform to disrupt the delivery industry




A new platform to disrupt

A new platform to disrupt

A new platform to disrupt

the delivery industry.

the delivery industry.

the delivery industry.


Brand guidlines

Mobile App


Brand guidlines

Mobile App


Brand guidlines

Mobile App


Design and create a app for peer-to-peer deliveries.


We began our journey by designing a brand identity for the Favarr app, including elements such as logo, colours, and styles. Our goal was to create a brand that was unique, approachable.

Next, we developed an easy-to-navigate app allowing users to input their upcoming travel plans. These plans are filtered into a database, connecting users who have requested to send a package to a specific location. If both users' locations match and the traveler is headed toward the package's final destination, the app pairs them, giving the traveler (courier) the option to accept or decline the package based on the drop-off location or the fee they would receive. We based the apps design around tickets / cards to help bring a familiarity with other travel apps, making journey's easy to understand mimicking existing ticket styling.


Design and create a app for peer-to-peer deliveries.


We began our journey by designing a brand identity for the Favarr app, including elements such as logo, colours, and styles. Our goal was to create a brand that was unique, approachable.

Next, we developed an easy-to-navigate app allowing users to input their upcoming travel plans. These plans are filtered into a database, connecting users who have requested to send a package to a specific location. If both users' locations match and the traveler is headed toward the package's final destination, the app pairs them, giving the traveler (courier) the option to accept or decline the package based on the drop-off location or the fee they would receive. We based the apps design around tickets / cards to help bring a familiarity with other travel apps, making journey's easy to understand mimicking existing ticket styling.


Design and create a app for peer-to-peer deliveries.


We began our journey by designing a brand identity for the Favarr app, including elements such as logo, colours, and styles. Our goal was to create a brand that was unique, approachable.

Next, we developed an easy-to-navigate app allowing users to input their upcoming travel plans. These plans are filtered into a database, connecting users who have requested to send a package to a specific location. If both users' locations match and the traveler is headed toward the package's final destination, the app pairs them, giving the traveler (courier) the option to accept or decline the package based on the drop-off location or the fee they would receive. We based the apps design around tickets / cards to help bring a familiarity with other travel apps, making journey's easy to understand mimicking existing ticket styling.

Mobile Screens



Digital Design


App design


API integration


XD / Figma


Get in touch

Send an email or DM and I'll get back to you asap.

Ben smith

All rights reserved © 2024 Ben Smith

Product & Identity Designer

Get in touch

Send an email or DM and I'll get back to you asap.

Ben smith

All rights reserved © 2024 Ben Smith

Product & Identity Designer

Get in touch

Send an email or DM and I'll get back to you asap.

Ben smith

All rights reserved © 2024 Ben Smith

Product & Identity Designer

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